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“I feel like the ketamine journeys always offer me a dose of medicine I didn’t know how deeply I needed. This time it was to experience non-attachment to outcome or expectations. It was a full body, heart, soul and mind experience and is already creating shifts in how I relate to other humans.… I look back on the 13 ketamine journeys I’ve had with you and Rainfall and my heart just fills with gratitude for how this has changed my life.…It has changed my inner world first and then this informs what the external looks like. Who I choose to surround myself with. How I spend my time. How I honor the parts of me that I thought needed to be changed/fixed/dissolved.…Every journey in some way felt like a coming home. Even the most difficult and dark ones for I can now love on my darkness and hold her with such honor and admiration! ” – Maggie C. –

“My experience with KAP was essential to my healing with cPTSD, anxiety, resolving childhood trauma, and fibromyalgia. Therapy and medication alone was not able to help me push forward in the way I needed to. KAP was a significant tool in my tool box of ways to manage my mental health. A ketamine session is ultra relaxing which with fibromyalgia and anxiety, I feel I hadn’t experienced before these sessions. It completely opens your mind to new ways of thinking.

Since starting KAP sessions, I have been able to feel true joy for the first time, give myself love and grace, think in a more positive light, and experience less full body pain and anxiety day to day. In connecting with myself on a deeper level, it has also allowed me to connect with my partner on a deeper level. It has allowed me to bring emotion and feelings back into my body.

Dr. Steve was extremely professional and thoughtful throughout my experience. At times it felt as though he was reading my mind and knew exactly what to say to help me resolve things within myself. The words and information he shared with me really made me feel like I wasn’t as alone as I had always felt. His work and dedication is inspirational and truly unique. I also worked with Molly and Jay. Their insight and experience were also very helpful in integrating after sessions. Everyone there obviously cares very much about their work and patients. I always felt safe, cared for, and listened to.

I’m very grateful that there is a clinic like Rainfall so close to home and readily available. I wish everyone who’s going through a healing and self-improvement journey could experience KAP.

As a human being, I’ve realized there are infinite ways you can self-improve and heal. If there’s a will, there’s a way and if you’re not getting to the point you want or need to, try a different route or change up the tools you have. Even if you don’t believe in yourself from the get-go, eventually if you put enough work in, you’ll get there and it’s a warming, fulfilling feeling.

– Sophia H. –

“My History as follows. Currently diagnosed with Major Depressive Mood Disorder, a 15 year long illness. Multiple suicide attempts with last attempt resulting in ambulance ride to Emmanuel and intubation for aspiration pneumonia. Prescribed various antidepressants taking as many as five different drugs daily. Twice involuntarily committed to rehab, lastly in January 2024 as an imminent danger to myself. Three full TMS sessions and one TMS maintenance session, 119 sessions in total over a three year period. While TMS provided great relief it was short term with full depression returning afterward. Desperately searching for relief I asked my primary care physician (PCP) about ketamine treatment and was referred to Rainfall Medicine.

I will be forever grateful to my PCP for the referral.

The ketamine experience is most difficult for me to put into words. I can best say that the ketamine takes me on exploration journeys. Initially the journeys resulted in dead ends everywhere I turned. However, a revelation came. I realized that you have to know your way around to get “out”. I was overwhelmed with relief just by knowing there is a way out of depression. I am just now learning my way around and already pathways out are appearing.

Even better than the ketamine is the therapy I have received from Dr. Rosonke and all of his colleagues. They have clearly and simply explained the causes of my depression and set out easy to follow pathways to recovery. They are showing me my way around so I will continue on my journey “out”, once and for all..

Since beginning the therapy at Rainfall Medicine my depression has subsided and gone away. I am continuing with more treatment, but already my heart has reawakened and filled with gratitude and hope. Everyone around me has seen a remarkable improvement in my mental health. All are amazed.

Rainfall Medicine is a wonderful place of comfort for me; a place I have been searching for for a very long, long time now, maybe most of my life.”


“Hard to put into words my gratitude for the support and transformation I received at Rainfall as it defies any expectations I had for healing.  I have been on a 25 year quest to overcome addiction, understand my childhood trauma and find a way out of repeated patterns and recurring life experiences.  All other attempts and methods had failed to work for me.  Dr. Steve’s approach is to get to the core of the wound so that all other unhealthy behaviors can unravel from this place of wholeness.  This is deep, difficult work and Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy provided the structure and support to get to the deepest level.  Integration sessions were critical to putting it all together.   You feel incredibly safe and supported during the sessions and the amount of integrity and care that Dr. Steve and the therapists put into each person is truly remarkable (and healing in its own right).  I also was able to work with Gina Gratza for couples therapy.  My partner and I had tried couples work in the past but in working with Gina we are experiencing another level.  She helped us integrate the insights from Ketamine and bring true empathy and wisdom to our growth.  The whole staff works together as one specialized team for your healing.  This is a holistic and integrative space and I would highly recommend to anyone, at any level on a healing journey, to connect with this truly special place.”– Ketamine Patient –

“At 58, I felt I had nothing to lose by investigating Ketamine. Despite therapy (CBT, EFT, EMDR) medication, meditation, and attending the Hoffman Institute, my life-long tendency toward melancholy (and suicidal ideation) still continued to show up. I’m so glad I did. The results were dramatic. What once felt immovable finally lifted. The best way I can put it is: I now experience a relationship with self that I never, EVER felt before. It’s positive, encouraging and loving, like having a built-in best friend. What’s more, this feeling has fallen into place on a level beyond my usual logical, “top-down” approach where I would tell myself to do things. It just…is. Dr. Steve Rosonke is extraordinary. His expertise and guidance made the therapy sessions the most powerfully effective I’ve experienced. Both he and Rainfall partner Elizabeth Hoke got things quickly, working through massive blocks of information with me on-the-spot. Beyond being remarkably insightful and efficient, their compassion was 100% sincere. I felt totally safe and seen. Thanks to my experience with them, I feel at peace. I would definitely encourage anyone who needs relief to contact them.”– Ketamine Patient –
“I strongly recommend Rainfall Medicine, Dr Steve, and his entire staff. From my first interaction with Dr Steve, I could tell how deeply committed he is to heal trauma and improve his patients’ lives. He was very easy to talk to, and he connected many dots in my life which all stemmed from the trauma I’d been carrying- some of it without knowing I’d been carrying it. With both Dr Steve and therapist Gina Gratza (who I did my intake with) I was able to discuss very personal issues that I wanted to address, both from childhood and adulthood. I went to my first treatment feeling prepared to be inspired and let inner wisdom come through. It was amazing how ketamine allowed that to happen! A journey on ketamine is difficult to describe, but I found it to be both beautiful and awe inspiring. I came out of my first experience with a deep appreciation of my own strength. And I began to see that I didn’t need or deserve to carry so much guilt and trauma. More importantly though, I was able to see different ways to “be” in life, and that I had choices. During the integration sessions after treatment, I felt like I was talking to providers I’d known for years, not weeks. After each of my three sessions, Dr Steve asked me to email him about how I was doing, clearly demonstrating that he cares holistically for his patients, and that care doesn’t stop when you leave the building. Since treatment, I have experienced more hope and peace than I had beforehand. It’s shown up in practical ways as well, giving me the needed strength to tackle “problems” in my life. I have the ability to view things from a higher perspective and to see the relative size of my problems. My entire experience with Rainfall was positive. I can’t recommend them highly enough, and I’m sure I will go back at some point to continue on the journey I’ve begun.”– Ketamine Patient –

“I am a patient of Dr Steve and Liz utilizing ketamine. It was paramount that I find a very safe environment as I work through childhood trauma, anxiety, and a long struggle with addiction. I am so glad I had this experience at Rainfall Medicine. From the moment I stepped into the pre-appointment to the ketamine appointment I intuitively knew I was in the right place with the right people. No doubt about it.  It’s difficult to share exactly what my ketamine experience was like but I can say this: I am so glad I did it. I feel more settled inside. Things were revealed that I was ready to see and hear. 

I highly recommend Dr Steve and Liz. They will be at your side every step of the way.”
– Ketamine Patient –

“I started working with Dr. Steve Rosonke about a year ago for panic attacks I was having as a result of PTSD. The ketamine process is very comfortable and relaxing, basically I take a nap and have some vivid dreams/visions. Dr. Rosonke is extremely knowledgeable and kind, and he has helped me a great deal. I have not had any symptoms of PTSD for some time and my life is much easier and stress free. I highly recommend it as alternative therapy.”
– Ketamine Patient –

“Working with Dr. Steve has helped me to make huge positive impacts on my well-being. I have been in therapy for over a year, working through some of the traumatic events in my life, and working to identify how they still pop up in the present. The ketamine medicine has helped to expedite aspects of this process. The ketamine medicine was very powerful for me. It helped me to see many of the subconscious beliefs I am holding and acting on, it also helped me discover a new compassionate lens from which I can see myself. After working with Dr. Steve over the span of two months I am feeling more connected to myself and others. Dr. Steve has been integral to this process for me, he helps me process my discoveries and uncover deeply held beliefs. If you’re interested in ketamine medicine, I would highly recommend Dr. Steve. He is not only very knowledgeable, but he truly cares about his patients and he is very capable of helping those who are seeking healing.”
– Ketamine Patient –

“I believe Dr. Steve genuinely cares for me as his patient, and I trust him as my guide. The focus of the therapy is trying to understand the roots of why I use substances, why I may feel depressed at times or more often, just feel less than fulfilled in my life.

The sessions have been in a fantastic building on Mississippi Ave., both the building and the office itself is a perfect setting for a therapeutic experience. During the experience, I lay on a comfortable couch with a fuzzy pillow, eyeshades on, a weighted blanket over me and headphones in. I think of this as airplane mode, and yes, you should remember to turn your phone on airplane mode before you settle in. The energy in the room with Dr. Steve is comforting, caring, safe and positive which allows me to fully immerse myself in the moment. I’ve heard ketamine can be different for different people, and different for the same person over different sessions, however it has been consistent for me. In one word, it is “intense”, it’s not the mere occasional geometric shapes, but being transported into a reality that is generally a three dimensional world much different than our own. It’s a reality with no body, a warped or nonexistent sense of time, music that I can see and not just hear that adds the flow between different areas and a deeply contemplative state where I have the ability to look at my own issues, desires and struggles as if I was an outside observer. I am generally anxious beforehand, but feel an overall sense of calm and relaxation, both during the experience, and after. As the ketamine wears off, it has the feeling oh happiness, lightness, and being reborn, with an actual reentry into my body. The actual feeling of ketamine is difficult to capture with words, and something in my opinion you need to try yourself to understand.

These experiences coupled with the guidance of Dr. Steve, have helped me realize the unbalance in my life and that there is a better way to seek happiness than in substances. I remain in long-term recovery from alcohol and quit using chewing tobacco half way through the six therapy sessions using ketamine. I have learned to take a personal break every day, generally going on a walk with my dog, and I attribute that to the sessions which are also times focused on myself outside of the normal stresses of everyday life. I have become more contemplative in nature, feel more centered, present when around others and more confident in where I’m headed in the future. For me, this is what therapy should actually feel like. Thank you, Dr. Steve for the time that you have spent with me and the care in which you provide the therapy.”
– Ketamine Patient –

“I am currently writing this while looking at the world in a positive, happy and secure way. Before I worked with Dr. Rosonke this would have been completely inconceivable to me. Previous to my visits, I was totally stressed out, could not sleep, had repetitive anxiety attacks and was generally unhappy.

What I have liked about my appointments with Dr. Rosonke is that he explored innovative treatments that were very effective for me while giving me options and tools to make progress myself. He properly diagnosed my complex PTSD and helped me identify some of the sources of the issues I was having. Initially he did some effective treatments that gave me the time and ability to start working with the tools and options he provided on my own.

During covid because I am in multiple high-risk groups, I have been unable to see Dr. Rosonke the last year. Even though this has been the case, I have still been able to make steady progress by using the tools and options he provided me. In my opinion this is the most impressive thing about him is that he provided me some independence from him that allowed me to get better on my own while sheltering in place. I would highly recommend that you consider working with Dr. Rosonke.”– Ketamine Patient –

“As someone who has struggled for many years with addiction, then depression I have tried many different methods for relief. While I have had varying degrees of success with these routes I was often left wondering how much or even if these methods had any effect. It is so hard to accurately gauge the efficacy of them without considering the counterfactual of how I would be feeling without them. However my experience with Dr. Steve left no room for speculation about whether or not ketamine was capable of lifting me out of my ordinary depressive cycles.

My tendency would be to characterize my experience as ‘indescribable’, however I can offer a few observations about the entire process. First Dr. Steve met with me twice before our first medicine session where we explored the roots of my emotional anguish. His skill at discussing these difficult issues and his caring and compassionate approach will be obvious to anyone who works with him. I was very nervous about the experience but Dr. Steve did a great job of letting me know what to expect and making me feel truly comfortable and even excited about the whole thing. The experience(s) were truly transformative. I had the feeling of remembering a long forgotten truth about the fundamental joyous nature of the universe and my place in it. I was able to transcend the feedback loop of negative thinking that I had been caught in and see my situation from an entirely new perspective.

Since my sessions I relate to my thoughts/myself differently. I have been able to put some space between a thought as it arises and my need to immediately react to it. This work can be challenging but I felt safe and supported having someone so kind and competent taking me through it. If you are considering trying something different to deal with your emotional unrest I highly recommend talking to Dr. Steve about ketamine therapy.”
– Ketamine Patient –

“I have suffered from anxiety and depression for several years with little relief from antidepressants or talk therapists. While I was exposed to spirituality as a child, I viewed it as an intellectually engaging subject that didn’t provide tangible emotional support during those difficult times. I’ve always been anxious about work and parenting and felt like I was never good enough at either.  When I realized, to my dismay, that my anxieties were adversely affecting my daughter’s mental health I knew I had to find a way to address my issues.

It’s been less than three months since I first spoke with Dr. Rosonke and my self-concept and ability to handle stressful situations have undergone a major shift. Not only did I find relief from anxiety and depression, but also, very unexpectedly, I formed a new connection with spirituality on both an intellectual and emotional level. For me this has become a powerful and essential tool in managing my mental health and in making me more open to new experiences. It has been immeasurably valuable and continues to have a daily impact on my life. Dr. Rosonke and Liz have been extraordinarily compassionate, good-humored, and supportive, of me. They created an environment in which I felt increasingly safe probing and peeling away my own resistance to an emotional connection with spirituality which has always been a challenge for me.

Invariably, Dr Rosonke is spot on in identifying issues that are important for me to examine. It didn’t take long to establish trust and become comfortable talking with this kind and non-judgmental person about difficult subjects. Both Liz and he were wonderful at calming my apprehensions about the ketamine experience and letting me progress at a comfortable pace. I’m amazed that within a month of starting ketamine I was no longer fearful of losing control.

Through the sessions with Dr. Rosonke and Liz, I’ve been examining the roots of my anxiety and learning how to relate to myself and others less critically and with more compassion. I find myself willing to push the limits of my fear of uncomfortable experiences and unfamiliar people. There is no longer a need to self-soothe with mindless TV or unhealthy eating habits. I have a healthier connection with myself and my children, and I’m not sinking under the weight of my own expectations at work. With Dr. Rosonke’s help I see more clearly that I have the resources within me to help myself.

I know this will be an ongoing journey and that there’s no quick fix, but finally, I have direction, hope, and the tools to move forward.”

– Ketamine Patient –

“I did significant research on consciousness medicine, its various practitioners and modalities. Doctor Rosonke’s previous experience working in some of the most high-stress environments in medicine (e.g., emergency rooms in major cities) gave me confidence that I would have a careful, knowledgeable guide during and after my clinical work. It’s natural to be nervous leading up to one’s first clinical session, and I was put at ease by Doctor Rosonke explaining both the chemistry and feelings I was experiencing. His clinic was professional and calming.

In addition to Doctor Rosonke’s reassuring energy, he was a surprisingly effective talk therapist in the weeks before and after my treatment, providing a best practices’ inventory of my strengths, anxieties and traumas in life. Creating this context and collaborative trust helped me realize the power to self-heal was always inside me and now I was empowered with a balance of new and old approaches. Doctor Rosonke recommended research, books and third-party experts to give context and second opinions for his work. As I explored these paths, it became clear Doctor Rosonke’s work was just the beginning of a deep network of unique talents. Over a year later, Doctor Rosonke is helpful integrating and building on this foundational work.

Prior to my work with Doctor Rosonke, my life was organized around a recurring set of day-to-day triggers of what I perceived could go wrong at home, at work or in fulfilling my life dreams. I was constantly over-preparing for events that were not likely to go wrong, then under-prepared when an ordinary life crisis would bubble up. Months before Doctor Rosonke prescribed anything clinical, he helped me understand that what I was experiencing was an unconscious loop between my past traumas, nervous system and a view of the world created by my culture, upbringing and education. He explained multiple modalities in traditional and non-traditional medicine to unpack, heal and integrate these phenomena, that my anxieties and traumas could be re-integrated as sources of wisdom, empowerment and self-healing. Compared to friends and family who have tried other practitioners and modalities, it appears my clinical experience with Doctor Rosonke then became many times more powerful. After only one clinical treatment, I had perspective not just on my own journey, but my family, community and culture. My days now begin with aligning my behavior with my now clear life purpose, which has counterintuitively made natural stressors less consuming.

Doctor Rosonke has the friendly, reassuring collaborative energy of a cool older sibling. He can cite science, chemistry and research like any MD, but he has a rare ability to listen, understand one’s journey and ask questions getting to the invisible roots of behavior. He is as gifted a talk therapist as an MD. His talent at integrating other experts’ opinions and modalities speaks to his own deep personal work whereas many practitioners can exhibit ego or fear of collaboration.”

– Ketamine Patient –

Hi Team,

“I’m feeling motivated, content, and fulfilled about my last session. My spirits are up, feeling tuned into my body and emotions, motivated to create new self care practices, and being conscious of choosing ME.

I’ve really enjoyed my time processing and experiencing this wild journey with you all. I’ve learned and absorbed an enormous amount about myself, my needs, the world and where my place is in it. I know I still have a lot of work and healing to do- but feel I have excelled my healing by an amount I wouldn’t have received doing normal talk therapy. I’m even starting to taper off my meds! You all have taught me so many lessons, opened my world to new thinking, guided me into a helpful spiritual path, and supported me while I was finding myself. I am and will be forever grateful for the work you guys do and the permanent impact you have had on me and my journey (not crying at all :’)).

This treatment has opened up a whole new world for me and is giving me hope for the future.

Thank you again for everything, I appreciate it tremendously-words cannot describe.”
– Ketamine Patient –

“I have had chronic depression for most of my life and was looking for alternative ways in which to breakthrough my continued way of being. I decided to try ketamine as I had heard many positive results from others who have used it as a treatment. Using ketamine in an assisted therapeutic environment is very vulnerable and Dr Steve, Elizabeth and Gina all made me feel very safe and protected. They were very kind and caring towards me and created a supportive, loving environment. TheIr collective knowledge helped to move me through some tough emotions and memories. They were there for me not only inside of our treatment sessions but also at other times when needed. This work has helped me to feel my emotions, recognize patterns and most importantly give me a direct line to my heart to be more compassionate, kind and loving towards myself. I am very grateful for everyone at Rainfall for their time and care, I am forever changed from this experience.”

Jennifer R- Ketamine Patient

“Putting my ketamine experience into words has been difficult. A short intro here…As a child, it was made clear that I wasn’t an important player in life. As I grew into my teen years, I was made to feel like I was “too much.” My emotions didn’t matter much, and I was told my feelings weren’t correct. With that, I understood, at a young age, that I didn’t matter to my parents, to my friends, or to my partners. I turned away from myself before I was even given a chance to know myself.

I have been in therapy for half of my life at this point, and I have been able to do some work, but nothing life-changing. I have always put in the effort and made a point to be open and honest, but something was always blocking me from breaking through. I could almost feel this block in my brain. I could visualize it as this door in the center of my mind. I could see light shining through the cracks. Sometimes, I felt like I could hear someone on the other side. I just couldn’t access it.

Within the ketamine world, everything shifted. The door shattered. Behind it, there were feelings that I had denied myself and didn’t even know existed within me. I felt pain for myself; I felt empathy for this person that felt so unwanted. Through this journey, I became aware that I am worth something in this life. I can’t even put into words how much this has changed my life.

Working with Dr. Steve really brought the whole experience together. He was so present and felt my pain with me. There was always comfort. Through this journey, he has been consistently understanding and affirming. I am seeing the world through new eyes, and I am so thankful.”

– Ketamine Patient –

“So it has been a month since concluding this journey with ketamine. I sit with a jumble of words and feelings about what and how this experience has been. And while the words will never do it justice, I will piece some of them together. First, I want to acknowledge I was hesitant to work with a facilitator who identifies as a man. This was difficult for me to share at the beginning. And what I noticed through the process is how healing this aspect of the journey was. To have a positive healing experience with a man as a facilitator. I felt safe. I felt heard and seen. I appreciated the deep work you have gone through and what you shared with me. I hope to encounter more men on this type of path, and I trust that I will. So, thank you for living that example.

I honestly don’t know where to begin with how the ketamine journey has impacted me. From the mundane to the magical, my life and being are changed. I came to the experience in despair. I arrived with so much fear of simply living. I was in a constant state of fear for the other shoe to drop. My dogs were the main threads pulling me through my days, getting me out of bed in the morning. While I had no plans to end my life, I was not living and often thought of how it would be easier to cease to exist in the darkness of my – what had become a very small world. There was a dullness for living. Stuck in existential dread and fear, I had no visions for my future and became apathetic. Though I would have little sparks of joy and relief, this was my baseline.

Life since ketamine is different. I still long for my beloved soul companion. I still grieve. I still feel emotions deeply. I am still as sensitive as ever (what a gift!). And my baseline is now peace, and it is connected to the love that surrounds us, the threads that connect us and everything. I no longer have a grasp or sense of urgency to find a partner. And while I still have moments of feeling “less than,” – I am quick to catch myself in those shameful thought patterns and *truly* send love and compassion toward myself. My relationship with the great mother/divine mother has deepened, and I am not as afraid of my darkness. I feel more grounded in who I am. There is a sense of belonging where my center, strong as a tree, resides. My relationships have shifted in that I am more myself, more at ease, and connections feel more clear. 

I feel grateful to be alive and don’t know that I’ve ever touched into such gratitude simply for life. Even with the ebbs and flows and arcs and bends of life, there is love and gratitude. I want to be alive. And that is enough. That is what I hoped for AND I received so much more from the medicine. I have received a reconnection with my creativity which had been lost long ago. I received a deeper knowing and embodiment of myself as a queer person after nearly 40 years of identifying as straight because the horizons expanded exponentially and infinitely.  

I painted my office last weekend. Something I have wanted to do since I moved into my house over two years ago. And it means so much to me that I did this because it was a vision I once had, but I let go because I did not have the physical, mental, or emotional energy to move forward with a task like this. I have spent so much of the last couple of months diving into gardening, making mistakes, and worrying less about doing it wrong because what I love is touching the dirt, being barefoot on the ground, watching things grow, and learning. I feel excited about what the future holds. Even when it feels like the world is falling apart. There is a spark in me. There is a fire that is burning so fucking bright. 

I hope that you are soaking in the start of summer. I do miss our sessions and our conversations! I have to tell you, though, that I have been putting myself out there so much more in creating conscious connections with others through dance and other groups – in person and virtual. I couldn’t get myself into these spaces / haven’t been able to do so since my 20s/early 30s. There is always some fear when I step forward AND it’s always worth it. I don’t know. I could go on about my gratitude for this experience. It has brought me back to me. It has brought me closer to wholeness. To spirit. To heart. To mama earth and this grand universe we live in, I will carry this with me through infinity.”

Jessica- Ketamine Patient

“I just wanted to reach out to say how much I appreciate what you’re doing and how much KAP helped me in my healing journey. 

Since my last session with you, I got fitted for a custom brace (called an Exosym). It has really been a game changer for me. I have been able to get back to enjoying a lot of the activities that I love this summer (mountain biking, rafting, and kayaking). I still struggle with pain and I can’t walk long distances. But it’s a huge improvement.
You helped me through one of the hardest times of my life. I was reeling after my near-death experience. My paragliding crash was so traumatic. I struggled with the loss of mobility, post-traumatic stress, and uncertainty around whether I would keep my foot. 
KAP was like a river of acceptance for me. It washed over me and let me be okay with where I was. I still struggle with the loss of mobility now, but I can more easily find acceptance. That’s a huge gift.
Thank you, Steve.” 

David- Ketamine Patient

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