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Ketamine for OCD Treatment

Treating OCD with traditional treatments such as seeing psychologists and taking medications can be very difficult. More recently, ketamine has become a very successful treatment option for those who suffer from OCD in Portland, OR.

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How Does Ketamine Help With OCD?

While there is no exact reason as to how ketamine helps with OCD, given its success with treating depression and anxiety, it’s believed that ketamine helps with OCD in the same way. Ketamine helps restore damaged pathways in the brain, allowing happy and more positive thoughts to be more consistent.

Contact Rainfall Medicine today and request your free consultation.

What Is OCD?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder characterized by obsessions – unreasonable fears and intrusive thoughts – that lead you to perform repetitive, ritualistic behaviors called compulsions. Both obsessions and compulsions will interfere with every aspect of your day-to-day life and create significant stress.

You may find yourself attempting to ignore your obsessive thoughts, only to inadvertently make you more stressed and anxious. You may find yourself driven to perform these compulsive rituals to try to drive stress away, but despite these efforts, the stress stays or returns at a later time and place. This in turn leads you to have more obsessions and compulsions to act on, furthering the vicious cycle that is OCD.

For many, OCD centers around specific themes and sources of worry; for instance, a fear of being contaminated by germs and then compulsions to wash your hands until they are sore.

You may put off finding treatment for your OCD because you feel ashamed or embarrassed, but millions of people across the globe suffer from OCD and treatment can be quite effective. You are not alone, and relief from the symptoms can be found. Consider reaching out to your doctor or a mental health professional for treatment for OCD.

What Are The Symptoms Of OCD?

Most people suffering from OCD have both obsessions and compulsions. However, some people may only have symptoms of obsessions or compulsions. You may not even realize your obsessions and compulsions are excessive, but if they are interfering with your everyday life and social or work activities, you should consider finding treatment.


Obsessions are characterized as persistent unwanted thoughts, urges, and images that give you stress and anxiety. You may attempt to ignore these thoughts or find yourself compelled to perform rituals to ease the anxiety. These obsessions are intrusive thoughts and will pop up when you are trying to focus on other things.

Obsessions often follow the following themes, but may come in other forms:

  • Fear of contamination
  • A need for things to be organized or symmetrical
  • Aggressive thoughts about self-harm or harming others
  • Unwanted sexual or religious thoughts

Common examples of symptoms of obsessions

  • Fear of contamination after touching objects that others have also touched
  • Doubting that you have locked your door or turned off the stove
  • Stress when objects are not organized or symmetrical
  • Intrusive images of hurting yourself or another person
  • Intrusive thoughts about shouting obscenities or acting inappropriately around others
  • Persistently avoiding situations that can trigger obsessions
  • Distress brought on by unpleasant, intrusive sexual thoughts

Discover How Ketamine Can Help You

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can make daily life a struggle. You feel like you’re running around in circles, doing things over and over just to try and keep those intrusive thoughts out of your head. But they keep coming back, and fighting with OCD seems to make it even worse at times. OCD is without a doubt an exhausting disorder to cope with, where peace and happiness seem unattainable.

Thankfully, ketamine for OCD treatment in Portland has helped thousands of people struggling just like your self. We are here to help. Contact Rainfall Medicine today and schedule your ketamine consultation.

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Are You A Good Candidate for Ketamine Infusion Therapy?

Although it has been used for more than half a century as an anesthetic and pain reliever, Ketamine is now proving to be very promising for anxiety treatment. Studies show that a high percentage of patients may find relief from OCD symptoms after undergoing a series of ketamine infusions.

If you are interested in learning more about how ketamine treatment for OCD can help you, contact Rainfall Medicine today and schedule your free consultation.

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